Wednesday, April 30, 2008

mmm, toast...

I've been thinking about how my posts have changed a lot since I started posting. I've been doing way more "fact-y" updates and fewer "deep thoughts" posts. I'm not entirely sure why that is. Maybe because in the beginning I was so thrilled to find this community, and I was all full of pent-up deep thoughts, and then I let them all out and my brain got all quiet and boring inside.

It's still pretty quiet in there. I have some things starting to rumble around, but mostly it's a big fog that just wants to eat toast and watch Simply Ballroom. So I think that's what I'll do for right now. Maybe the rumblings will turn into deep thoughts, and maybe they won't and you'll be stuck with updates on my slow garden growth.

*Update of the dullest variety:
Yes, Io is right. It is actually Strictly Ballroom I plan to watch. Oh, the fog, the FOGGGGGGGG! It is particularly dense today.


Io said...

Is that like Strictly Ballroom? (My favorite light romance of all time. Sigh.)
I don't know that any of my posts have ever been particularly deep, but I know they got have gotten very shallow (er, when I was posting). I had some deep shit to write about this last weekend but didn't have time to type it up. I will soon, so maybe it'll kickstart your deep thoughts again. :)
I miss you and will be back to yakking up a storm in one week! I hope everything goes fantastically as you get this month a-going!

kate said...

I think all IFers go through some sort of introductory phase when they begin blogging. Typically, that consists of "I MIGHT be pregnant this month and here's why (insert statement re. sore boobs, delayed period, etc)" "Crap, I'm not pregnant, and that sucks" and lastly, the "WHY OH WHY" posts. Yours just always seemed deeper from the beginning though. Maybe that was your phase, rather than the typical navel-gazing stuff.

Either way, even if you just post about slow gardening and facts, I'll still keep reading! You just get so invested in one another's lives, that even if the subject matter changes slightly, the impetus to keep on reading is still there, right?

Happy said...

Life can't always be exciting, LOL. It it was I'd be a big ball of stress because not all exciting things are good, lol.

Denise said...

Yeah, I don't know if any of my posts are deep at all. I have been sitting here wondering today what the heck I'm gonna write about during my 2ww. There just doesn't seem to be anything left to say that hasn't already been said.

I still enjoy reading your posts, regardless of how fact-y they get.

ultimatejourney said...

Sometimes you just have so many facts to share that you don't have the energy for anything deep. I'm still interested in what's going on (and the cycle stuff is quite exciting -- good luck!!!)

the Babychaser: said...

I've given up deep thoughts in favor of straight-up whining. So you're obviously doing better than me.

Strictly Ballroom is one of my on-reserve movies. For when I'm feeling really really really crappy. That, Bridget Jones' Diary, and (if I have a full day) Pride and Prejudice (BBC) version.

s.e. said...

I am feeling the exact same way with regards to my blog writing. I was wondering if maybe we started blogging around the same time and we were only 3 days apart with our first posts. Scary. Or is it scary that I compared our timelines? I will keep reading yours regardless of how factual you think they are getting!

Jen said...

I am fairly certain that none of my blogs are deep. So at least you've logged some deep thoughts.
Hey, there's something to be said for that emptyish, fog brain.

I've never seen Strictly I the only one?? I don't even know what it is...

Pamela T. said...

You are saving all your deep thoughts for comments! Excellent thoughts -- thank you for sharing them in response to my post. Loribeth and I want to hang out in the ladies room with you ;-)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Toast and ballroom. There are depth possibilities there.

I enjoyed that movie, too.