I have seen those lists of 100 things about me on a few people's blogs, and it seems like a good idea of lifting the veil a bit, as First Comes Love did in fine form in this post a while back. That last line still makes me laugh everytime I remember it...because it's true. Of me, I mean.
- I am pretty tall.
- My husband is 16 years older than me, but nobody who meets him can believe he's as old as he is. I often feel that he is Dorian Gray and I am the portrait.
- Gardening soothes my soul and brings me joy.
- I grow food and flowers, but only perennials in the flower category. I love how the garden changes throughout the seasons.
- I really like furniture, architecture, and design from the 1950's.
- I can sew and knit, and take a lot of satisfaction out of things I have made by hand. My love for handmade things extends to things made by others as well
- I never grew up going to church, but sometime in my teen years started to believe in God. I am still figuring all this out, but I do pray fairly often and have a pretty spiritual approach to a lot of things, like infertility.
- I practice Buddhist meditation, but not often enough.
- I am plagued with having lots of moles all over my body. For this reason, you will never see me in a backless dress.
- I'm a good neighbour.
- I will cling to British spellings of words like "neighbour" as long as I draw breath. We use both UK and US spellings here in Canada, but I am old-school when it comes to language.
- The way some people are good at sports, or music, or being fun to be around - I am good at learning languages.
- I am chronically disorganized around the house.
- I am trying to remedy the above by following FLYLady. Yes, it is kind of cheesy and a bit cult-like. But it works.
- I have 2 sisters whom I love dearly.
- The 2 of them have spawned, between them, my 3 nephews. Who are, without a doubt, the most awesome children on earth.
- They are so awesome, in fact, that if I never get my own kid, I just might be ok with that, as long as I get to see them all the time.
- I am granola on the inside.
- I love TV and celebrity magazines, but I'm trying to break my habits cause I think they are killing my soul.
- I wish I wasn't so uptight.
- I am sort of phobic about throwing up and even knowing or suspecting someone in my vicinity is throwing up will make me all nauseous and panicky. Or if I see it in a movie or something. Ugh.
- However, I have an iron stomach and the last time I hurled was over 10 years ago.
- I will welcome puking galore if I get pregnant this year.
- I like dresses.
- I used to smoke, but haven't smoked in over 10 years.
- Lots of people think I am a vegetarian. But I am not.
- I don't have a job right now. I got burned out from my last jobs, went on stress leave, and then got a severance package because my job got terminated because it was a political position and the provincial government (my employer) changed.
- I'm not sure I ever want to have a job again.
- I'm very close to my parents.
- Both my grandmother and my mother in law have some form of dementia.
- I fucking hate dementia.
- I was a waitress for many years and am proud of what I learned about humanity doing that job.
- I never met a vegetable I didn't like.
- I love Coronation Street. If you don't know what it is, I feel so sorry for you. (It's a British soap and it is awesome beyond description.)
- I get up pretty much every Sunday at 7:30 to watch 2.5 hours of Coronation Street.
- I am allergic to cats and dogs. But I might be getting a dog next week. Atchoo!
- I don't like parties where I don't know almost everyone.
- I am an INFP.
- I am not really that bothered about aging, despite entry #2.
- I totally hope I get to have my baby at home. Assuming I'm fortunate enough to have a baby.
- I spend a lot of time struggling my inferiority complex.
- I know that's a waste of time.
- My blog is called "Working On It" because that's my response to people who ask me when we're going to have kids.
- My blog's template was chosen because it is called "Son of Moto," and my husband and I call each other "Moto" all the time. Like in this Motorola ad.
- Given my experience with my husband, I'm pretty much completely anti-vasectomy. I mean, you just never know what's going to happen. You may really want easy access to your sperm at some point.
- I'm not scared of insects, but I really hate slugs.
- I have never been bitten by a dog or broken a bone.
- When I was a kid, I used to wish I had braces or a retainer. Cause all the cool kids were doing it.
- I wish I was Jewish, because Judaism has so many rituals. And I really like rituals.
- I was a teenage existentialist.
My brain hurts now from trying to be non-narrative. The next 50 will have to wait, at least until after supper.
*UPDATED* - I just changed one letter in this post and but it's an important letter. #38 - I am definitely an INFP, not an ENFP as previously stated. Definitely, without a doubt, I am an "I" not an "E."
I'm pretty drunk with a j. And that's a lot of stuff. But I liked it. Is it weird to miss somebody you've never actually met?
Great list!!! Makes me want to do one.
I'm an ENFP too. Well, once I was, but I think it might have slightly changed. I love Myers Briggs.
People think I'm vegetarian too.
I love these lists! I just learned so much about you. And I think 11 is charming. I like when people speak or write in "olde" english too.
Love your lists! I'm sad you're no longer an ENFP, was going to write all about it. It's one of the rarest types. I was an ENFP, then law school changed me. I'm now an ENFJ.
You don't have to be Jewish to follow rituals that you like/admire. If it makes you feel good, incorporate it into your own Annaism practice.
The real question, is it grey or gray?
Am just catching up with everyone's blogs after a few days, and wanted to say how much I loved your list - I'd no idea that I would meet another Coronation Street fan in the blogosphere!
And jendeis, it's definitely 'grey'!
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