Monday, March 3, 2008

Obey me! (please?)

I just want to do a quick post to suggest that, if you haven't already done so, you wonderful readers do the Letter to My Body thing that Mel is doing with BlogHer. It's so great! I've read all the letters that are up on BlogHer, and they pretty much all have a different perspective on this whole IF path. And I totally agree with Mel that we IFers should deafen the world with our voices on this one.

So hop to it, internets. Or not, I guess. Since I'm not there to tug on your sleeve every 10 seconds and whine at you to puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase do it, you can pretty much do what you want without me causing you much inconvenience at all. But it really is fun, and profound, and powerful, and just oh so nice to talk to your body like the old friend she is. So really. You should. You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it. (Well, they will be once you join in.) Plus I really want to read your letters. Really a lot.


Io said...

Ooohhhh...fine. I'll do it since you asked me to. I'll post it tomorrow.

Io said...

By the way, when you say you can't eat eggs, does that mean even baked into things? I have been looking at recipes so I can make you something (Uh, just ignore that whole chicken post...I'm pretty good with baked goods) and gosh darn it there is egg in freaking everything.

I cry for you my friend.