Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the facts

I talked to my doctor's office yesterday as I have the first appointment coming up with him in 9 days (woot! the waiting is almost over!) and wanted to know what to expect. To recap, this is the doctor in town who does DI. He's an OB/GYN but also does fertility stuff - there's an actual infertility nurse at his office. I talked to her yesterday, and she seemed great - knowledgeable and funny and relaxed. She said the protocols are tailored to each patient, so depending on the results of my bloodwork and what we come up with during the 45 minute consult (I have to say I'm impressed by this - a long appointment should be standard, but it's usually not in my experience), the Dr. will do anything from an unmedicated ICI to a fully medicated IUI. Which is good knowing that he's not limiting things to the more complex interventions. I expect he'll probably grill us a bit on our decision to not try to get sperm from Manny to do IVF/ICSI, but that's ok with me. I know we are kind of unusual in this respect, but I've spent long enough with my decision that I feel like I can explain it if I have to. When I asked her about success rates for ICI vs IUI, she said they don't like to compare because the candidates for each have different issues (i.e. the ICI people tend to be younger, ovulatory, etc. and therefore more likely overall to get pregnant). But she said the success rates for IUI are around 10% per cycle, which is a bit lower than the averages I've read about other places, but I really try not to put too much stock in averages. They don't necessarily reflect my situation, and I hate getting sucked in to feeling like I need to conform to what is expected. And I also hate low numbers - I may change my mind if this doesn't work within a few cycles, but I'd really prefer to have hope than thinking about how crappy my chances are on each cycle.

I'm starting to get excited. I'm expecting that we'll be able to start trying in May, cause by the time I see this guy next week, I'll probably already be ovulating or very close to it. We need to start reviewing donor profiles more seriously and come up with a short list of about 3 donors we would want, just in case our first choice doesn't have samples available. I'm thinking I might want to reserve a bunch of whichever donor we start trying with so that if I get pregnant fairly quickly I won't need to worry about there not being more for siblings down the road. It's all a bit of a gamble at this point, but since we're really only having to pay for the sperm and associated costs like shipping and storage, I don't mind shelling out a bit for some peace of mind of having the extra samples reserved just in case I get my golden ticket.

I have to confess that I'm already starting to calculate when I might have a baby, and how pregnant I'll be at Christmas. Those of you who've gone through this might be shaking their heads in dismay at this point, cringing for me and what is most likely to be at least some disappointment. I know that it might be ill-advised at this point, but I'm going to enjoy it since this is the first time I've ever really gotten to try. There was a brief period after Manny's reversal but before we started getting the bad SA results where I felt like we were trying, but it was really short - like about 2 or 3 months. The sex, however, was *awesome* - all that good, hopeful energy. Sigh. Long gone.

I'm also thinking about how much I want to tell people at this point, even the people closest to us. I'm sort of leaning towards telling basically nothing - my family knows I've got this appointment coming up, but maybe after that to just leave it and let them know when there's some (good) news. I'm not sure, but in some ways I feel like this will preserve the sanctity of this process for me and Manny. People who get pregnant in the usual way don't tell everyone they know when they had sex and how they timed it very precisely to coincide with the woman's ovulation. They get to try, just the two of them, letting their love and hope become a secret conspiracy of goodness. I want that, but I don't get to have it, so I sort of feel like keeping it private will kind of return the process to us, make it ours.

On the other hand, I'm going to want support and good wishes. I might want those from my family, and I am pretty much sure I'll want them from all you lot. I probably will post about it all here. But maybe not. If you find I'm just writing about my dog for a solid 2 weeks in mid-May, you'll know something's up.


Io said...

You know I was just thinking about this yesterday. I was thinking "Hmm, I wonder how Anna's whole making a baby thing is going."
And here you are, talking about it! I better start thinking about the lottery while my mind powers are on.
Yay! I am happy that you're getting started soon.

Jendeis said...

"Secret conspiracy of goodness." SIGH. I too wish that we had that. The further we move down this road and, hopefully, the closer we get to having a baby, the farther away we get from this dream.

I'm happy that you and Manny will get to start soon with a sounds-very-good medical team.

Io said...

Hells yeah.
By the way , I didn't really comment on, but loved the idea of it being something special. Even if it did make me smile that you have an IF blog that would then leave out a big component. It makes perfect sense though.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

Looks like you have some tough decisions and some exciting times coming up real soon! I hope you are one of those lucky few who get pregnant on the first try!!! ::fingers crossed::

Duffy said...

Yay! I am so glad you posted this. This IS exciting! I think, go ahead - hope like crazy, go wild with your excitement. If we lived our lives all the time trying to prepare for disappointment - well...it just wouldn't be much fun now would it?

I also love the idea of the two of you conspiring in goodness with one another. I have found that the more intense, the further on we go - the more I crave that feeling. It is like a sacred space. I certainly feel that with this IVF cycle more than I ever did with our 3 IUIs.

But, I hope you will still keep us all updated - because I, for one, am so excited for you!

p.s. also? thank you SO much for your amazing comment on my last blog post. If I could list all the ways I feel connected with you it would fill pages!!! Thank you for making my heart and soul smile!

Paula Keller said...

45 minutes is AWESOME! Mine consults are always 5-20 minutes. I know my RE is rushed. He does always ask if I have questions, but the problem is that I am SLOW and usually have questions after the visit.

EVERY month I time the 9 months and decide when I'd give birth if I get pregnant. I'm guessing that is pretty normal! It's thinking positively.

I'm excited for you!

Pamela T. said...

Sending support and good wishes your way starting here and now...I so understand your thinking here.

futurewise said...

Just do what you think is right by you. You can be selfish (if it's selfishness at all) in moments like that. It's nice to have support, but it's also a burden sometimes.

the Babychaser: said...

The balance between privacy and a support network is tricky. I'll only say this by way of advice: your support network (i.e. people who know) will only get bigger, never smaller.

I say this because I'm getting to the point where I wish fewer people knew I was doing IVF. But I've never been a very private person--I have a great big mouth about myself. So even though I started with a few really close friends, now it's grown to be too many, especially as certain family members had to be let in on the deal for practical reasons.

Just keep that in mind. I'm not sorry people know, because I have to be able to talk about my life, but it can be a bit too much sometimes.

Ms Heathen said...

Wishing you all the very best of luck with your first appointment, and keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

ultimatejourney said...

How exciting that you're getting so close to trying!

I'm all for purchasing extra vials for future siblings -- we've got ours lined up and ready to go (not that we're thinking #2 anytime soon...) For some reason, using donor sperm makes me feel like it's important for my child to have a full sibling if possible. I'm not sure why I feel that way, though, when I don't have the same thoughts about adopted children. Perhaps because adoption is more socially accepted than DI?

I hope you'll decide to share all the details with us blog friends, but do what's best for you :)

jenn said...

I have done the whole- how pregnant will I be at this holiday if this one works- thing every time. It does seem to help keep everything hopefull & keep it going.
I'm glad your wait is almost over & I wish you the best of luck. I think that whatever level of support you think you want you can & will get. I started out telling more people that we were trying & ended up regretting it when it hasn't worked. But starting my blog (which only one fantasticly supportive friend knows about) has really helped me. I get all the support I need (mostly- hugs help some days!) from people who understand exactly what I am going through & who know when not to ask certain questions or when to just say 'sorry'.

Antigone said...

Well I wish your dog the best of luck.