Sunday, April 13, 2008

an update, finally.

Oh, I've been such a slacker on the posting front. The rest of my life has become busy - dog maintenance (he's getting more dominant with other dogs, so I need to enroll us in dog school), house stuff, garden stuff (just got out there for the first time today and it felt great!), trying to do some work for money and think about finding a proper job (very unmotivated but if I do get pregnant soon I'd rather have the job thing sorted out sooner rather than later). And I've been a slacker on the commenting front, too - sorry, folks. Google Reader is a blessing and a curse. It makes it so easy to read, but then I need to be really intentional about the commenting or else it gets lost in the shuffle.

So here's the update on our Thursday appointment with the DI doctor. We had to be admitted to the hospital (where his office is) for some reason in order to see him, so we were there quite early. When the woman working in admitting asked us the reason for the appointment, I said "fertility issues" and for some reason, did jazz hands at the same time. It was totally weird and Manny and I had a good laugh at my randomness. What possessed me to do that I really have no idea. Manny suggested that I wanted to say "fertility" louder but didn't want to actually say it louder, so used the jazz hands for emphasis. But it was a good way of setting the stage for the appointment, cause jazz hands sort of became the theme of the day.

We got in to see the doctor (no clever nickname came to me really, but I think I'll call him Dr. Rational cause that's what he seemed to be) pretty much on time, and we had a little chat about our current situation - our jobs, why we were looking to have a baby now, etc. Dr. Rational then proceeded to explain DI in some detail - I found this kind of annoying, but Manny said afterwards that he appreciated the explanation. Not so much cause I think it was so new to him (although some of it probably was - he hasn't done as much reading and pondering of the options as I have) but just because Manny is quite rational himself and appreciates clarity and logic. At times I interjected with questions to let him know that I wasn't a complete idiot, and he did answer them fairly well and didn't seem too put out that I was bothering to ask things. The only time he seemed surprised by anything was I asked him for the actual numbers from my bloodwork. He did give them to me, but at one point made a face that seemed to say "why on earth do you think you want this information?" Thankfully, he didn't say anything of the sort, and just gave me the numbers. I haven't gotten around to Dr. Googling them yet, but I'm glad I have them so I can do that when I want to.

At some point in the discussion when I asked about how much sperm to order, Dr. R did jazz hands himself when talking about the possibility of future siblings down the road. He really was kind of a freak of nature - his manner is hard to describe. He wasn't the usual arrogant doctor-type, but he wasn't super compassionate either. I was really glad he didn't seem to judge us or our choices at all - that was what I was most afraid of, I think. He didn't seem to have strong opinions one way or the other and he totally accepted it when I told him I wanted to start with the least invasive plan first. My preference is for doctors to be very human and interested in having a human relationship with me - my GP is like that, and I absolutely adore him. But Dr. R was much cooler than that, just wanting to take things step by step and solve the problem. That appeals to me much less, but Manny really responds well to that (because he is that way, too.) In the end, I'm fine with him as long as he's not a jerk and as long as he knows what he's doing. And in a way, I'm glad that Manny seemed to like him - I think sometimes men need that voice of authority, whereas women are much more in touch with their inner authority that it is just redundant (or intrusive) when it comes from outside. There's no conflict with my inner authority yet, so all is well between me and Dr. R.

The upshot of this is (and sorry the story is so boring - I am so sleepy right now I can hardly string a sentence together) that he is willing to do unmedicated ICI cycles to start with, and we can see how it goes from there. So I've started peeing on sticks - OPKs, although I might have missed my ovulation this month but I don't think so. I've never really paid very much attention to the finer details of my cycle cause there never seemed to be much point. I have quite a bit of cervical mucus right now and from my brief research today it sounds like that is a precursor to ovulation and not something that happens afterward, so maybe the OPKs will show something in the next few days. It's a bitch, though, cause every time I pee on one, I just think, "There goes $7!" Ridiculously expensive and yet if they're going to help me get my baby, I guess I'd be willing to pay lots more for them. Although am I the only one who wishes they could be broken apart for recycling? What a waste of plastic!

So we need to find a donor, order some sperm and have it ready to go for my next cycle. I'm hoping I haven't missed my ovulation this month just so I'll have a better idea of when in my cycle it happens, so that next month I'll have some idea when we'll be able to do the inseminations. With ICI, they do 2 - one the day of the LH surge, and one the next day. Kind of weird to think that around this time next month I'll likely be heading into the two week wait. Feels like I've been waiting so long I can't quite get my head around it now that it's finally here.


Paula Keller said...

Well, yay! That all sounds very promising!

I got in the garden for the first time on Saturday, and was just in heaven. It's therapy, I tell ya!

Happy said...

Our doctor told us to order atleast 6 vials. BTW, we ordered from CA Cryobank first and got bum sperm. It's not fun to waste 3 months on lousy sperm when you're paying out of pocket. So we switched to Fairfax and got a guy with fantastic numbers. They guarantee atleast 10 million post thaw. Anyway, at Fairfax for the supersperm it is 900 a vial. CA was cheaper, but apparently there's a reason. Be prepared to lay out some cash for those swimmers. And actually selecting the donor turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated. We had to decide what's important to (open/closed, hair color, height, intelligence, schooling, family medical history, etc) and both of us had different opinions about what was important.

We also did 3 months unmedicated because I didn't want to take any fertility meds.

I too had never kept track of my cycle. Why would I since my husband is infertile? The OPK is a little tricky until you know what to look for. And yes, they are pricey. I had a hard time w/the OPK so I asked the clinic to monitor me even though I was doing unmedicated cycles which meant they did ultrasounds and when my egg was big enough I gave myself a shot to expell the egg at exactly the right time. I didn't want to miscalculate my ovulation and the insemination. Ya know?

P.S. I love google reader to.

Anonymous said...

I buy cheapie opks off the internets. Haven't had any issues with them yet, they seem to work fine. I get a pack of 15 w/ 5 pg tests for $19.
They are strip tests, which means you have to pee in a cup and then dip the strip, so less plastic waste as well.

JJ said...

The waiting is the hardest part...and while Im sad there will be some more waiting involved, I am glad that you are at the point where things are moving forward! Best of luck finding the donor and making those decisions.

Deathstar said...

I'm hoping to save you some money here - I used this supplier to get pregnancy tests and they are crazy cheap, they're the same as the Clearplan tests. They also have ovulation sticks. A well known acupuncture clinic here in BC uses them. It does take a few weeks, but I did get them (and passed them on to a friend eventually). Good luck!

Shinejil said...

Dr. R sounds kind of like Dr. Spunk. Could it be a specialist thing? Friendly, but somewhat more interested in the problem than the person?

It sounds like the appointment was important for Manny, just like going to the RE was a big relief for my guy.

I hope ICI is all it takes! I've never used OPKs, but tempting really helped me a lot and might save you a few OPKs once you got the hang of how your temps rise.

Duffy said...

Yay! SO good to hear the update!

I would echo the other posters in saying check the internet for OPK cheapies. And temping helped me a lot too....I loved loved loved the book: Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

But anyway - good news....all steam ahead! You are getting close!

I am so glad the Doc is listening to you and willing to take this at the pace and in the direction you desire. So very important.

And also - yay for Spring and gardening!!! Good for you for getting out there - I have some flowers to plant today or tomorrow but I have been slacking around feeling yucky from the stims.

Maybe your motivation will inspire me?


Miss Conception said...

When we did IVF with donor sperm, we ordered two straws with the hope that if the first worked (boy were we naive) that we would have some for a sibling. Now, our second straw sits on ice never to be used by anyone.
I'm happy to hear that you will be doing it unmedicated. I think our bodies are much more relaxed when we are not hopped up on meds.
Best of luck!

Denise said...

Glad you are moving forward with the plan. Always helps to get some questions answered!

kate said...

Wow. Quick! That sounds like a very promising visit to the doctor. I do think that some men really appreciate hearing things like this from some sort of authority on the subject whereas some women are more likely to trust their own research or the findings of their community at large.

And YES. Why can't they come apart for recycling? I've thought that many times before as well.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

If you have a Target near you try the Target brand OPKs. They always worked great for me & they are WAAAAY cheaper. GL hun!!

Ms Heathen said...

Dr R sounds much like my Dr Abrupt! Like Manny with Dr R, Mr H likes the fact that Dr Abrupt is so rational, but I feel that he is a little dismissive of my questions. Although he has an excellent reputation as a clinician, Dr Abrupt doesn't seem particularly good at understanding that infertility affects us all not just on a physical, but also an emotional, level. But as you say, the most important thing is that he knows what he's doing on the medical front; I can get my emotional support elsewhere!

I'm glad the appointment went well, and that you should be able to get started next month. I second Spicy Sister in recommending the book 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility' - it really does teach you everything you ever wanted to know about charting your cycles by taking your temperature & checking your cervical fluid. As others have already said, once you've got the hang of charting, you may be able to cut down on the number of OPKs you use.

And thanks also for the Elisabeth Zimmermann recommendation!

Tara said...

Seriously - you almost got me in trouble at work.

When I read about your Infertility Jazz Hands I burst out laughing... at my desk... where I'm supposed to be working and NOT reading blogs.

Dude, that's funny.

Also - I'm happy for you that you have started the ball rolling. I wish you nothing but the best of luck.

futurewise said...

Good luck with DI!
Things are finally rolling...
I keep my fingers crossed for you...

Antigone said...

*jazz hands*

I, myself, can't settle on a doctor. I've seen half a dozen and don't really like any of them. Maybe it's me.

Anyway, yay for gardening and sunshine. I got out this weekend and started on it myself. I'm of course sunburnt and unable to move any of my voluntary muscles now, well accept to type and to make jazz hands.

ultimatejourney said...

So exciting! FWIW, I had luck with CA Cryobank, so I wouldn't necessarily rule them out if I were you. Good luck with the donor selection!

Smiling said...

I love the jazz hands!! thanks for your great comments lately on my blog. I really appreciate them.

The jazz hands remind me that I should write up my story of my husband sperm dance in the clinic the other day - your jazz hands and his sperm dance could make for a kick ass skit/video:) hehehe

glad to have another donor story to read! Best of luck