Thursday, February 21, 2008

Step right up...

...and guess the lies. You know how this works - 6 statements, of which 4 are true and 2 are false. Pick the lies and I'll send the winner(s) a selection of my old funky magazines that I can't bear to just throw out. Or not, if you'd prefer.
  1. In my entire life, I have only eaten one tiny bite of a Pop-Tart. Ever.
  2. I can speak 7 languages, including Ancient Greek.
  3. I have had a conversation with Queen Elizabeth II.
  4. I have a tattoo of an endangered Canadian fern that covers most of my back .
  5. If I could have any man in the world as my love slave, it would be Leonard Cohen.
  6. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with nuclear war and the arms race, and I believed the world would end before I was 30.

I was officially tagged by Kate to do this meme, even though I had seen it on at least 6 blogs which all said to do it if you'd read the post, but I am a chicken and kind of socially inept, so I waited until my name actually got called. But don't be like me, new friends! If you haven't done this yet, I highly recommend you do it right away, cause it is super fun and you get to lie in the privacy of your own home, where nobody can see you laughing at the lies you just made up.

Let the guessing begin!


Io said...

I'm going with 2 and 5.
2 is just a wild guess, like maybe you speak seven languages, but ancient Greek isn't one of them.
As for five, I LOVE Leonard Cohen. And if I could keep him in a cage in my living room and make him sing on command, I would. But he's kinda old to be a *love* slave. Unless you speak of the emotional love. Or maybe you just have a thing for really old guys.

Ug. This is hard. I'm probably totally wrong.

Katie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and linking to it. My dog's name is Moose in honor of many good summers spent in Canada.

OK, I guess 2 and 4. I think you have a tattoo of an endangered fern on your back but it isn't as big as you are saying here.

PS. When I was 13, we got pulled by Canadian border police for taking a fern out of Canada for my mom's garden. That's a serious crime I learned.

Dramalish said...

Oh, but *I* wanted 2 and 4!
Ah well, no matter.

Hi. I'm D. I have a nearly 2 yo daughter via donor insemination. I'm also the donor blog "clicker" for Lost and Found (so I'll be checking up on ya and reporting news and such).

I just wanted to tell you that I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but in the US, there is no law that says you MUST tell a bank when you get pregnant. I mean, I'm sure they'd like it, and it would help with their accounting and all... but you don't HAVE to do it.

If that makes you feel any better.

Best of luck. If you have any questions about my DI experience, I'm happy to answer them.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Shit, I came up with 2 and 4 and then just saw the other guesses. I'm going to stick with them because the SAT people always tell you to go with your first choice :-)