Sunday, March 23, 2008

I love my family and they totally exhaust me. They push my buttons and I let them. I wish I was so tough that I wouldn't get bugged. Alas, I am not.

I don't really want to complain about my family. There were some difficult moments this weekend, but mostly it has been good. I'd rather complain about myself. What I find hard is feeling like I expect people to treat me with care and sensitivity even though my infertility is a secret from a lot of them. My sisters and my parents know about our situation, but my aunt, uncle, grandparents have no idea. So I've been pouting about the fact that everyone is fussing over the nephews, and by extension my sisters, while all I get are compliments about the ham.

And even for the members of my family who know about my frustrated baby-lust, I get into times when I expect them to be taking care of me all the time. Like I want to be the center of attention for everyone, and I want everyone to be able to read my mind, and I just pout when it's not happening.

I know I'm being such a wiener. A narcissistic wiener. Blah.

In other news, I'm getting a dog this week. Gaah! I've never had a dog before and I'm freaked out and excited. The dog is named Lucky and belongs to my brother-in-law's mom, who is quite sick and has decided she wants to give the dog away. I think he's a cocker spaniel-yellow lab cross - he's medium sized and so sweet and gentle. He's not a puppy but I hope I can train him a fair bit so he will learn not to jump up and stuff, although I don't remember him doing that very much when I've been around him before. I promise I'll post pictures as soon as I get him so you can all swoon over his sweetness. I don't think that he has as much powah as Charlie, but is a very very cute dog nonetheless.

I sort of want to give him a new name. Even if it's just a nickname. Any good ideas?


Io said...

OK, my husband is going to kill me if I don't shut off the magic box in the next two seconds, but DOGGY! Will write more tomorrow and get all sorts of excited.

JJ said...

oh fun! congrats on getting a dog=) they are so much fun!
Maybe "Charm" for a nickname? Like Lucky Charms. Thats all my brain can think of on a Monday morning!

Anonymous said...

You'll come up with the perfect nickname over time. We call our German shep mutt Josie "noodle" which sometimes turns into "noodle poodle"

That never would have been suggested by anyone, it just happened :-)

I do like Charm though! And we want to see pics. He sounds utterly adorable.

Paula Keller said...

Dogs are the BESTEST! It will be a huge distraction for you. We got a puppy in August and he keeps us on our toes.

That's exciting!

Io said...

Yay! Ok more now! I wouldn't worry about being a narcissistic wiener. Holidays are so hard especially when you are hosting.! about your dog. I look forward to pictures. And when I come visit maybe I can bring Charlie and they will be the best of friends.

Personally I give my animals human names - Charlie was Charcoal. I also have KD and Thomas. So...yeah. Go take pictures of the Charlie's new buddy!

Antigone said...

awww...that sounds like a good mix.

Denise said...

Yay for new doggies!!! Post pix now, please.

I always have trouble with names. Our little schnauzer is Scout (after the character in To Kill a Mockingbird), but her registered name is Girlscout. It took us at least a week to settle on something that seemed to fit her. DH and I argued over naming our coonhound/pointer mix and I finally let him pick Molly. It is a difficult decision because I always feel that the name should "fit" the dog.

Tara said...

New doggy is very exciting. And such good therapy - I don't know what I'd do without my dog.

And I can relate to your narcissistic wiener feelings.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

Congrats on the puppy!! I am a dog LOVER (I have 3 and would get more if my Hubby would let me, lol). Can you post pics?? =)

futurewise said...

Dog, ain't it a perfect companion for the infertiles... ;-) Post some pics of Lucky...